The Village Corner
Glen Iris

We appreciate your interest in the project

Local developer, Time & Place and Australian retailer Woolworths have entered a partnership to plan for and deliver a high quality residential and retail development, which includes a Woolworths supermarket.

Since the initial plans were submitted, the team have consolidated the community’s concerns and feedback, making a series of significant changes to the proposed Glen Iris Village Corner.

Here are some of the key changes we are making:

Removal of the
Liquor Store

Reduced the number
of apartments from 86 to 64

6 apartments earmarked for affordable housing

Reduced the height of the building from 6 to 5 storeys and reduction of overall building height

Reduced the traffic flow
to Hope Street. This includes the removal of the loading bay and truck access.


Appointed a new architect
in renowned firm Cera Stribley to redesign plans in response to community feedback.

More street parking will be retained, plus the introduction of 170 underground parking spots once complete for retail patrons.


Created greater setbacks to residential interfaces to ensure the development does not impose on streetscape or overshadow surrounding neighbours.

Best in class design outcomes

We propose a sophisticated blend of upscale retail and refined residential living at The Glen Iris Village Corner. Collaborating with award winning architects Cera Stribley, we are prioritising a meticulously resolved design that will now seamlessly integrate with Glen Iris’s streetscape. Each residence boasts a distinctive external entry for dual aspect orientation, and enhanced natural light and ventilation, ensuring energy efficiency.

Woolworths anchors Burke Road, while an open-air stairway preserves neighbourhood amenity, leading to the residences on Hope Street. Responding to community feedback, our redesign features tiered setbacks to prevent overshadowing and encroachment. Through these updates, the design will align with the local architectural aesthetic. It will incorporate a carefully crafted façade with inverted arches and artisanal brickwork that pays homage to Glen Iris’s industrial heritage, while the amended design plans feature a less impactful façade resultant of a reduced height, in addition to extra landscaping that will soften the building’s street presence.


The Victorian Government’s Department Planning Pathway and the 173 Burke Rd development

The development at 173 Burke Road will be submitted for review via the new Development Facilitation Program, introduced by the Victorian Government to facilitate significant residential development that provides affordable housing and delivers substantial economic benefits to our community.

As part of this initiative, our proposed development at 173 Burke Road, along with the adjoining site at 28 Hope Street, has been re-submitted through this program. This measure addresses the pressing need for additional housing stock and affordable housing solutions, contributing to the Government’s commitment to deliver 80,000 new homes annually over the next 10 years.

The full plans will be available to view
via public notification in the coming weeks


If you have any questions about the proposed Glen Iris Village Corner project, we welcome your feedback via emailing

Frequently Asked Questions


The proposed mixed-use development will result in a range of economic and social benefits, particularly for residents within the main trade area. The key economic benefits include:

  • New retail will cater to the increasing population and undersupply of supermarkets in the area
  • Other retail, particularly at ground level, will help activate the new laneway, Bourke Street and Young Street
  • Increased retail choice, amenity and variety provided to a walkable catchment
  • Creation of a significant number of local employment opportunities during and post-construction
  • Provision of a diverse range of housing options including affordable housing
  • Provision of an urban farm/greenhouse supporting local innovation and upskilling
  • Level 1 + 2 of pavilion will facilitate employment opportunities
  • Community benefits generating in-direct economic activity/benefit including…


1. Will the new development of a storied residential on top of a new supermarket impact the already challenging pedestrian safety of the location?

Time & Place and Woolworths have worked in unison to amend plans to incorporate additional pedestrian safety measures including a pedestrian crossing integrated within a new traffic intersection. Further enhancements to pedestrian safety will be implemented around the loading bay, including pedestrian safety measures at vehicle entries and designated times for truck activities to minimise disruptions during peak pedestrian periods, such as school pick-up and drop-off times.

2. What has been done to mitigate the concerns that the building height and overshadowing impacts to the neighbouring residences?

Time & Place, Woolworths, and Cera Stribley have revised the original plans, reducing the building from six to five storeys. The updated plans feature a lower building form, and a regressed design to the west and south interfaces beyond the planning scheme setback requirements to minimise any neighbouring amenity impact.

3. Will the commercial trucks cause traffic build up with the introduction of a Woolworths? the area is already congested and is already a major bottle neck for the local community who use the road as their main thorough fare each day.

Woolworths has addressed community concerns by relocating the loading entry onto Burke Road and applying a rigorous loading management plan which includes a restriction on truck movements to off-peak times to avoid disrupting traffic flow and pedestrian safety. Upon opening, only one truck will have access to the loading dock at a time, closely monitored by Woolworths to schedule deliveries outside peak hours. In a rare instance that two trucks were to arrive to site at the same time, a truck queuing area has been allowed for within the site boundaries. Strict instructions for left-in and left-out movements will minimize traffic delays and congestion around the site.

4. How many apartments are there going to be?

The number of apartments in the proposal has reduced from 86 to 64. The residences will be targeted to local owner/occupiers, downsizers and right-sizers as well as providing 6 affordable housing apartments to address the pressing need for additional housing stock and affordable housing solutions.

5. We don’t want a liquor store in our family friendly shopping village – can you remove this?

We have listened to your feedback, and we can confirm the previous proposed liquor store has been removed from the updated proposal.

6. The street already lacks car spaces – how are many are you going to remove?

The original plans proposed the removal of 29-31 car spaces. Due to a reduced traffic signal arrangement and removal of trucks from Burke Rd, the project now proposes a reduced car space loss of 20. Upon completion, the development will introduce 170 parking spaces for the retail patrons, which includes a surplus from statutory requirements.

7. Do you have plans for landscaping the area to ensure it is in keeping with the community?

The introduction of contemporary verdant landscaping, led by Landscape Architecture Firm,  Acre, aims to enhance Glen Iris’s aesthetic and green spaces. This initiative signifies a commitment to elevating the precinct’s appeal while fostering sustainability and community well-being.

8. Is the Woolworths a boutique or full-scale store?

The Glen Iris Village Woolworths will be a full-line supermarket to provide local Glen Iris residents with convenient and efficient access to all their fresh food and shopping needs.

9. Will this development feature any green or sustainability initiatives?

We have committed to a Green 5-star Rating for this project which will see an extensive series of sustainability initiatives included in the build, futureproofing this project for decades to come.

10. Why are you putting Affordable Housing in Glen Iris?

Victoria’s population is growing faster than any other state in Australia. There is a perfect storm of high interest rates, record low-vacancy rates and escalating building supply costs, with housing affordability now at crisis point.

As part of this initiative, the Glen Iris Village Corner development has been submitted for review via the Development Facilitation Pathway, a process introduced by the Victorian Government to facilitate significant residential development that will deliver substantial economic benefits to the Glen Iris and wider community.

This measure has been put in place by the Victorian Government to address the pressing need for additional housing stock and affordable housing solutions. This project will contribute to the Government’s commitment to deliver 80,000 new homes a year over the next 10 years.

11. What is the difference between affordable housing and social housing?

Affordable housing aims to provide homes for all individuals and families who may face financial challenges, ensuring that housing remains within their means. On the other hand, social housing is targeted at those with specific needs, such as low-income families, seniors, or individuals with disabilities, providing a supportive and subsidised living environment. This project will solely feature affordable housing.

12. Will accessibility to the surrounding sites be limited during construction?

There is no intention for any future site construction works to block access to adjoining properties. A comprehensive Construction Management Plan will be developed by the Builder prior to any works commencing on site which will outline how trucks will access the site and pedestrian access is maintained. 

13. Who can I talk to in person about my concerns?

If you would like to raise your concerns, support or have further queries about the development, please reach out to,  and we will direct your message to the appropriate party.